Are you looking into a career in welding? It’s one of the most essential jobs in the manufacturing industry. However, the American Welding Society (AWS) says that there will be a massive welding shortage by 2024. This is due to a large number of experienced welders retiring without enough new blood taking their place.

This means there’s no better time than now to start an exciting new career in this industry, as openings are abundant. It’s a career essential to the US economy and infrastructure, so it’s important to understand just why you should consider a career in the welding industry. 

What is Welding?

Welding is, simply put, fusing two or more parts together using extreme heat and pressure. It is typically done with metal, but thermoplastics and even wood can also be welded. The resulting joint is called a weldment. The material used to create the weldment is called a filler or consumable and the conjoined parts are known as the parent material. 

Is Welding a Good Career?

Welding is absolutely a good career choice! While all careers in the manufacturing industry have their perks, welders basically build the world we live in.

For context, 70% of all manufactured products involve welding at some point in their creation. It’s a critical step in construction of all kinds, from appliances to buildings to space travel. Without it, things like cars, satellites, and skyscrapers would fall apart!

According to the AWS, welders are a major part of the US economy. “The industries that use welding to manufacture their products are the driving force of a modern economy. They are largely responsible for the infrastructure, capital goods, and commercial products that sustain a relatively high standard of living for billions of people across the world.”

Possible Welding Careers

Welding is more than just joining two pieces of metal together – it’s a major building block for your career. With so many skilled and experienced welders retiring, there are not only a ton of entry-level positions available across the industry, but there’s room for advancement. With some hands-on training and a bit of experience, you could find yourself in a career pathway that is both essential and pays well.

Because it’s a skill required in so many manufacturing industries, you’ll find yourself with a ton of options and opportunities. You could be a construction welder, building commercial and industrial structures like bridges and skyscrapers. Manufacturing welders build and repair metal components in the automotive, agricultural, and mining industries. Pipefitters specialize in welding the piping for oil and gas, water, and electric utility industries. Sheet metal welders are vital to working with the sheet metal used to create cars, planes, and boats, but also used in the construction of buildings. There are even underwater welders who work in deep-sea conditions repairing oil rigs, ships, dams, and more.

Training Courses

We understand the importance of this industry, which is why we offer an assortment of free welding training programs year-round that can set you on different career paths. Among them is Shielded Metal Arc Welding, which is often used among home-shop welders. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding is typically used for bicycle or aircraft manufacturing. Then there’s Gas Metal Arc Welding, which is typically used in the automotive and construction industries.

While it is admittedly not a career for everyone, if you are someone who enjoys working with your hands and wants a job that is essential to the modern economy, welding is for you.