If you’re looking to take control of your career by getting into the manufacturing industry, your first step is signing up for one of AMTEP’s free training courses. However, you might be worrying about balancing these courses with your everyday life. Responsibilities like work, family, and other obligations can make adding training courses to your plate daunting. That’s why we’re here with some advice on balancing your life with AMTEP courses.
Look for Classes that Work with Your Schedule
We understand that working around your schedule can be tough. You need to work out what hours you can set aside for classes, as well as transportation. You might be working a job during the day, so only your evenings are free. Or you need to look after your children when they get home from school, so you’re only available to take classes in the morning. These are things you can’t budge on, so you need to find courses that work for you.
Thankfully, AMTEP has a wide range of free training programs available at different times and throughout the North Shore. The times vary, with some being night courses while others are held during the mornings and afternoons. The lengths of the programs also vary. For example, a math course for machining might only require three nights a week of your time for five weeks, while an eight-week welding course could be 9 am-5 pm Monday through Friday.
Make Time for Yourself
A frequent reason people change careers is due to feeling burnt out. They’ve put in so much time, energy, and hard work that they’ve overexerted themselves. That’s why it’s vital that during your course period, you make sure to take time for yourself.
Burning yourself out before you’ve even entered your chosen field due to trying to juggle too much at once will only set you back. Plan even an hour a day that’s designated as “you time,” whether it’s watching a show, indulging in a hobby, or just grabbing a quick nap. This will help you stay energized and motivated to learn.
Keep the End Goal in Sight
Taking on a manufacturing training course is extremely rewarding, especially in the long run of your career. You’re getting hands-on experience and training vetted by manufacturing employers. Most who finish their course get hired by manufacturers by graduation, and NAMC has additional resources through MassHire for trainees who are still looking for opportunities. This lets them get started on their new career right away.
This is why it’s important to keep your end goal in sight. Incredible opportunities are waiting for you after you’ve completed your training. So while there might be times when you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, remember that you’re making a major difference in your life.